Thursday, April 28, 2011

Pledge of the Day: Mandy Williams

Mandy Williams
Pledge: $15.00
Mandy recently graduated from Tufts University and is currently searching for a job teaching history in high schools (either near Portland, OR or in the Bay Area in CA.)

HamletEug2Ed: What excites you about The Edinburgh Hamlet Project?
Mandy: The Edinburgh Hamlet Project sounded really cool because it was created by a student who was trying to make her own path, instead of simply waiting around for something to come to her. I often have that "I want to hurry up and DO something feeling", and Rebecca has acted on that impulse. Though it is a daring and unique idea, it will help lots of young people bolster their careers, and certainly deserves support.

HamletEug2Ed: Are you involved in the performing arts yourself?
Mandy: I'm actually pretty lame when it comes to the performing arts, but I can appreciate the talent that Rebecca brings to the theater as well as the work that goes behind a solid production.

HamletEug2Ed: What inspires you?
Mandy: The reason I wanted to be a teacher was to help young people feel inspired and find their potential. I ran track and cross country in high school, and thanks to all the support I received while running, my self esteem sky rocketed and I was excited to work hard. If I can help someone else do this, whether it's a student or a developing theater company, I feel inspired. When I see how my support has helped someone else, and how good they feel, it reminds me of how good working hard can feel.

HamletEug2Ed: What is one personal project you're currently involved in?
Mandy: I'm very excited about starting my career in teaching. It's going to be frustrating and I'll be tested by my students almost every day. However I already know that the returns are going to be great and I'll look forward to the challenges that each day brings me.

Become a “Pledge of the Day” and allow us to perform in Scotland!

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